Originally posted February 4, 2017 with updates added.
If you guys haven't noticed yet, none of the concepts I write about are actually tied directly to marriage. The reason for this is because marriage isn't this uniquely special snowflake entity. Life isn't compartmentalized like that; if you're dominating at work, but totally suck at marriage, you're bullshitting your mentality at one, the other, or both. Figure out who you are, what you're about, and start aiming for congruence in your attitudes and behaviors. Remember, choosing to not making a decision is making a decision. Enough with the 101. Let's move on with the 201.
The most important thing that you need to have for professional satisfaction, as every single successful professional will tell you, is fuck you money. There have been tons of articles written about it, so I'm just going to link an article with a red pill slant.
Let's start with a definition -
Fuck you money, as you may have guessed, is uncommitted cash sitting in your bank account which you can use to live on when you need to say “fuck you!” to an asshole boss, customer, or employer of any variety.
And let's continue with the all important why -
It’s the stash of cash you will have which will allow you to operate and live as a free human being rather than a slave.
So what does that really mean -
Fuck you money is good because it gives you power and independence.
And with this caveat -
I’m not saying you will have to quit work and spend your days stroking your beard on the porch and reading philosophy (although you can do that if you wish), but it will give you the option to quite simply pack up your things and tell anybody you don’t like to get out of your face.
Which brings us back to MRP and a theme I'm seeing guys who've put in a lot of effort continue to struggle with (I'm looking at you /u/jdroedell). Where's your fuck you money for your marriage?
Ask yourselves that real quick. Do you actually have a stash of reserves ready to go in the event that you need it? Do you have the charm and persona to be able to go pick up Stacy and have some great, passionate sex within a week?
I'd bet for many of you the answer is no.
I'd bet many of you are living in the many years of debt that you've built up emasculating yourselves, letting yourselves turn into physically and emotionally unattractive fucks. I'd bet you're paying interest on this debt to this very day.
If you don't have any fuck you money, when your wife says jump, you're going to say how high. That's the choice you've left yourself with. You put yourself in a position where you have no choice and no options - where you're effectively a slave to the whims and wants of another individual, without power, without independence.
Fuck you money isn't really about a specific sum of money either. It's about a state of mind. If you don't have any fuck you money but know you can get your dick wet tomorrow - then you're more than free to tell your boss-wife to go fuck herself today. You’re not going to be putting up with disrespectful bullshit. If on the other hand, you're bullshitting yourself about being able to get a job tomorrow, then you're stuck in a shitty position aren't you?
The beauty of fuck you money is that it does provide you with choice. It gives you the option to stick around so long as you enjoy the job, you enjoy the environment, and you're reaping a personal benefit from being there. You’re there, you’re with your wife, because you want to be there and you choose to be there. Choosing to be with your wife is the single best decision you can make for your relationship.
Just because you have fuck you money doesn't mean you're obliged to go running around and screaming "FUCK YOU" in everyone's face. But a more subdued "That plan isn't going to work for me. Let's figure out a better alternative." isn't out of the question when the situation calls for it. When you have that fuck you money state of mind, you're free to use it as frivolously or reservedly as you want.
If you don't have any fuck you money for the many aspects in your life, it's as good a time as any to start cultivating and saving. Even if you don’t have fuck you money, you can start growing a fuck you mindset. And that’s progress.
Final caveat - Fuck you money is not an emergency fund. It’s not “break out in case of emergency” because there’s an unexpected bill. It is a level of abundance that enables you to live life on your own terms.
> start growing a fuck you mindset
Ultimately, it comes down to having options in your life.
I like the updates on the original post - nice.